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CEI: Russian Orthodox Patriarchate visiting Rome. Mgr. Galantino, “saying meaningful words. As a Church we can’t just stand and watch”

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)

“Saying meaningful words that do not come from out sensitivity nor from our likings, but that are the real expression of the Gospel, which calls us nowadays to be leaven, as a Church, in a society that is going through troubles and tensions”. This is the mission of the Churches nowadays, and this was pointed out by monsignor Nunzio Galantino, general secretary of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), as he welcomed a delegation of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate, that is visiting Rome these days, in the CEI premises.

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)

“As a Church – Galantino said –, we can’t just stand and watch. There are spaces we must learn to live in, responsibly, skilfully and discreetly. We are not a power next to another power. We are not the interface or even less the spiritual arm of any power. We serve the Gospel and all those who the Gospel has been announced to”. Then, the general secretary expressed joy and gratitude to the Russian delegation for their being in Rome. A visit – he said – that helps “focussing more on our mission in a Europe that is unfortunately also going through situations that require a clear, fine, hopeful word as well as a word of great realism, on any subject. As believers, as a European Church, we cannot turn our back on this”. The general secretary of CEI told the Russian delegation about “the pain of our brothers in faith whom have been evicted from their lands, of the Christians of the Nineveh Plains, the African populations”. As well as the refugees and immigrants. “It is not up to us, as Churches, to outline human mobility policies. It is up to us, as believers, to be there, where there’s a need, to respond, driven only by that ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me’. Thanks for being here – he concluded –, let’s pray that we may be convincing witnesses in this world”.

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