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+++ Charlie Gard: English Bishops, “heartrending”. “Never act with deliberate intention to end life” and “recognise limitations of what can be done” +++

“Heartrending”, most particularly “for his parents and family”. The Bishops of England and Wales use these words to describe yesterday’s decision by the European Court of Human Rights, which upholds the decision already made by the British Courts, ruling that life-saving treatment provided to sick baby Charlie Gard can be suspended. According to a statement released by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales today, “in this difficult case, all sides have sought to act with integrity and for Charlie’s good as they see it. Understandably, Charlie’s parents wish to do everything to save and improve Charlie’s life. We hope and pray that in the wake of this decision, they are able as a family to find peace over the coming days and weeks. We also encourage the Catholic community to pray for Charlie, his parents, and all those that have been caring for him”. Sadly, the statement continues, “prolonged terminal illness is part of the human condition. We should never act with the deliberate intention to end a human life, including the removal of nutrition and hydration so that death might be achieved. We do, sometimes, however, have to recognise the limitations of what can be done, while always acting humanely in the service of the sick person until the time of natural death occurs”.

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