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Cardinal Baldisseri: with “Amoris lætitia”, Pope has listened to the people and Synod

“A landmark date for the Church and the Pontificate”: this is what Card. Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, said about the historical publication, on 8 April 2016, of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris lætitia”. Speaking in an interview with SIR, he remarked that the document “marks the end of a truly synodal journey, which began in 2013 and saw the contributions of all ecclesial actors on the theme of the family in the Church and society. We all agree that the outcome of this journey is extremely positive. It generated an in-depth discussion on the topic of the family and its concrete life, in which each and everyone, according to their role and expertise, could express their views, concerns and perspectives. With the Exhortation, Card. Baldisseri remarked, “the Pope gave his authoritative word, showing that he had listened carefully to what the People of God and the two Assemblies of the Synod of Bishops had pondered. As far as I know, in line with what emerged from the meeting of the Secretariat, the document has been very well received. It highlights the ability to understand and be close to the manifold situations experienced by individuals and families, insists on the beauty and value of the family, and is a call to perceive the positive in different situations”. Many, the cardinal concluded, “have appreciated Pope Francis’ words of inclusion”.

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