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Portugal: Mgr. Clemente (Lisbon), “Give yourselves to those who suffer!”. Work for life and peace!

In his homily on Easter Sunday delivered in front of hundreds of faithful gathered in the Cathedral, the Cardinal-Patriarch of Lisbon, Mgr. Manuel Clemente, called on all Catholics to “give themselves to those in need”. This, he said, is “the best way to continue to experience Jesus’ Resurrection in our daily lives”. “Let us choose what Jesus has chosen, let us break free from our selfishness, so that the others may find a place in us. Surely if we do this, we will begin to come back to life, the world will come back to life!”, Mgr. Clemente said. Recalling the millions of Christians who celebrate the joy of the Resurrection “in countries in peace or at war, in happy families or in mourning ones”, the Patriarch encouraged everyone to “show solidarity by sharing in the joy, hope, sadness and suffering of our brothers and sisters”. The president of the Portuguese Bishops’ Conference explained that Jesus continues to suffer with men and women today. He therefore praised “those who contribute to the causes of life and peace, who help the poor and the sick, by performing works of mercy which provide spiritual and physical relief to those who suffer”. Insisting on the idea that Christians are called to share in the grief and suffering of people across the world, Mgr. Clemente concluded by saying that “believing in Christ’s Resurrection does not mean to become estranged from the world, but rather to give it a new beginning”.

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