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EU Commission: European Disability and Parking Card valid in all States. Jourova, protecting people’s rights

(Photo European Commission)

Guaranteeing the right to free movement to people with disabilities. This is the main purpose of a legislative proposal, presented by the European Commission in Brussels today. Such legislation is intended to ensure that people with disabilities can, “on an equal basis, access special conditions, preferential treatment, and parking rights when visiting another Member State”.
The Commission’s proposal also introduces a standardised European Disability Card and enhances the current European Parking Card. Both cards will be recognised throughout the EU. “The rights of persons with disabilities must not stop at national borders. We want to make travelling easier” for them: “the European Disability Card and the improved European Parking Card should remove some obstacles for them. I trust this will strengthen their independence and help them to exercise their rights around the EU”, said Věra Jourová, European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency. The Commission explains the reason behind the proposed European legislation by saying: “When people’s disability status is not recognised abroad, they cannot access the special conditions and preferential treatment, such as free and/or priority access, reduced fees or personal assistance, while visiting other Member States. To address this issue, the Commission proposes the creation of a standardised European Disability Card”. It “will serve as recognised proof of disability throughout the EU”, ensuring “equal access to special conditions and preferential treatment in public and private services, including for instance transport, cultural events, museums, leisure and sport centres, or amusement parks”. The Card will be issued by the national competent authorities and complement existing national cards or certificates.

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