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Scotland: mgr. McGee leaving for the Synod. “There is a wonderful opportunity for renewal of the Church at every level.”

“The Synod process has planted seeds of hope in the hearts of the faithful and in the Church in Scotland. I pray for its growth and fulfilment as we enter the next phase of the Synodal Process so that the Church can continue to grow as a caring mother, and a community of hope”. With these words, contained in a release of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, bishop Brian McGee, in charge of the diocese of Argyll and the Isles, in western Scotland, announced he will be taking part in the XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, due to take place from 4th to 29th October. “I am very excited, although also nervous, about going to Rome for the Synod”, added bishop McGee, who will be leaving for Rome tomorrow and who, at the Synod, will represent the other 5 Scottish bishops, nearly 600 priests and over 700,000 devotees from 390 parishes. “The focus is to discern what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church today”, the prelate went on. “I have enjoyed listening to the feedback from people across Scotland and it will be fascinating to hear what people from across the world have to say. There is a wonderful opportunity for renewal of the Church at every level. The focus however is not the participants but the Spirit and I ask for your prayers as we strive to discern”.

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