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Religious heritage: Aachen, masterclass on the reconstruction of destroyed historic buildings. Experts also from Ukraine

Why and how to rebuild the destroyed historic religious buildings? This theme will be the focus of a masterclass organised by the European network “Future for Religious Heritage” (FRH) on 25 and 26 September at the Reiff Museum in Aachen, Germany. The need “has developed” in Europe “since the end of WWI”, the organisers explain, “through political and religious changes and through changed understandings of restoration/reconstruction methodology”. The issue often sparks debate and controversy, as it did for Notre Dame in Paris: “Restoring while also preserving the original design, materials, crafts, particularly the interior design, or adapting it to better meet the needs of the modern liturgy?”. Speakers at the masterclass will be Nazar Kozak (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine/University of Lviv); Mathieu Lours, one of the leading experts on medieval cathedrals in France; experts on cultural heritage preservation; and architects. The masterclass will explore post-war reconstruction events in Normandy, post-Soviet Estonia, Germany, Bania Luka and more recent restoration events in different parts of Europe. Sabine Verheyen, Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), will also take the floor. You can follow the event online by registering here.

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