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Birth rate: Bassi (Fafce), “fine about the European Council on demographic challenges. An urgent matter of economic and international scope”

Vincenzo Bassi (Foto Fafce)

“An important realisation that allows the European Commission to accomplish some proposals, following the analyses of the last few years. It is extremely appropriate to treat the demographic question as an urgent matter of economic and international scope, also in terms of competitiveness”. This was stated by the president of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (Fafce), Vincenzo Bassi, following the publication of the European Council’s “Conclusions” last week in which the European Commission is called “to present a set of measures to respond to the demographic challenges and especially to their impact on the competitive advantage of Europe”.
“There can be no sustainable development without intergenerational balance. It is ridiculous therefore – Bassi adds – to speak of growth and economic development if our countries have no children any more: the productive capacity of a community is measured first and foremost by its ability to create and welcome new human lives. A mere management of the demographic transition is not enough: realistic solutions may be found by putting the families and family networks at the centre as factors of social and economic cohesion”.
“Since the start of this European legislature, Fafce has carefully followed and supported all initiatives aimed to encourage a new demographic renewal, as wished for by Pope Francis. We hope that during its last year of work – Bassi concludes – the European Commission may be able to provide concrete tools, which may help those who will come after the European election of June 2024 not to create a monolithic and unrealistic family policy but to support the member states in giving families the recognition they deserve for their key role”.

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