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EU: On 1st July, Spain taking on the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Its priorities: strategic independence, green transition, more social justice, fighting tax evasion

On 1st July, Spain will be taking over from Sweden the presidency of the Council of the European Union ( Four are the priorities set out for its six months’ presidency, the fifth since Spain’s joined the EU in 1986: reindustrialising the EU by protecting its strategic, open independence; advancing the green transition and environmental adjustments; promoting wider economic and social justice; strengthening Europe’s unity. All this will mean, for instance, the EU-CELAC Summit (Latin America) with a view to diversifying trade relations and strengthening existing relations with Latin American countries; reforming the electricity market to expedite the use of renewable energies and speeding up the implementation of the Fit for 55 package; laying down “minimum common rules on corporate taxation in all member states” and fighting tax evasion by the big multinationals, “which causes the EU to lose 1.5 points of GDP a year, as much as the EU spends in housing policies or environmental protection”. As to the EU’s unity, Spain means to complete the banking union, achieve better coordination in the management of migration and asylum processes, and coordinated support for Ukraine and the neighbouring countries. On the already tight agenda of engagements and events, 23 informal meetings of Ministers in 21 different Spanish cities, because the presidency is “a national project, in which all the independent communities are involved”.

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