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EU Parliament: surrogacy, debate in chamber. Mr Procaccini, “abominable practice, a new low for humanity”

Nicola Procaccini (Photo European Parliament)

(Strasbourg) “Surrogacy in the EU – risks of exploitation and commercialisation”: this is the title of a debate held in the chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg today. It was a lively debate, featuring numerous speakers with divergent views. The afternoon started with Nicola Procaccini, a member of Fratelli d’Italia and of the ECR (Conservatives and Reformists) group in Strasbourg, taking the floor. The rapporteur expressed his position on surrogacy seen as a contract by which a woman makes her body available to give birth to a child that she shall then give to others. “It is an abominable practice”, said Procaccini, that is disguised in some countries, lawful in others, and unlawful and unregulated in still others. Mr Procaccini insisted on having to “pay” for a service: “But we must prohibit the body from being used for profit”. “The religion or sexual orientation of those buying a child do not matter here”, he said. Humanity reaches a new “low” every time we “believe that any desire can become a right at the right price”. Hence the call for a “final resolution to make surrogacy a universal crime”.

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