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Eurostat: NEET, more than one in ten young Europeans are neither employed nor studying. The Netherlands are doing well, Romania and Italy are doing badly

In the EU, in 2022, more than one in ten young people (11.7%) aged 15 to 29 was neither employed nor being educated or trained (NEET, Not in Education, Employment or Training), which means 1.4 percent points less than in 2021. This is written in a Eurostat report that was published earlier today. “During the last decade, there was a significant decrease in the share of NEET young adults. In 2012, the EU recorded a rate of 16.0%, which peaked in 2013 (16.1%) and then started a steady decrease. An exception occurred in 2020, when the indicator reached 13.8% during the pandemic (from 12.6% in 2019), but since then, it continued its decreasing trend, reaching 11.7% in 2022.” Reducing such share is one of the goals of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Such goal – it should not be forgotten – is reducing the NEET share for young people aged 15 to 29 down to 9% in 2030. The share widely varied between the EU member states, in terms of the NEET share for young people aged 15 to 29. Such share ranged from 4.2% in the Netherlands to almost three times as much in Romania (19.8%). The figures show that in 2022 one third of the EU member states were already below the 9% goal, i.e. the Netherlands, Sweden, Malta, Luxembourg, Denmark, Portugal, Slovenia, Germany and Ireland. In most EU member states, the share of NEET girls is higher than the share of NEET boys.

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