Contenuto disponibile in Italiano

EU Parliament: no election observation mission to Turkey

The European Parliament will not send an observation mission to Turkey for the general elections on 14 May. “The European Parliament will not observe this electoral process, and consequently will neither comment on the process nor on the results that will be announced afterwards. No individual Member of the European Parliament has been mandated to observe or comment on this electoral process on its behalf”. This was announced in a statement co-signed by the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Co-Chair of the European Parliament’s Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG), David McAllister, and by the Chair of the Committee on Development, Co-Chair of the European Parliament’s Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group, Tomas Tobé. “Therefore, should any Member of the European Parliament decide to observe these elections, she/he would do so on her/his own initiative and should under no circumstances through any statement or action, associate her/his participation with the European Parliament”, they added.

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