Romania: Bishops’ Plenary in Satu Mare. Mgr. Perca (Bucharest), “young people and WYD, families, Synod and Jubilee on the agenda”

Young people, families, the permanent diaconate, the 2021-2024 Synod, and the 2025 Jubilee are among the items on the agenda of the Plenary Assembly of the Romanian Bishops’ Conference, that will be hosted by the Diocese of Satu Mare from 10 to 12 May. The Assembly opens with the first session of the work and a Mass at the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Satu Mare presided over by Mgr. Aurel Percă, Archbishop of Bucharest and Vice-President of the Romanian Bishops’ Conference. Also present will be Mgr. Germano Penemote, Chargé d’Affaires of the Apostolic Nunciature in Romania, and Fr. Thomas Schwartz, director of the German Catholic Charity Renovabis. On Friday, the Bishops will visit some educational and social projects in the Diocese of Satu Mare. “In part, we will continue the debate on previous subjects”, Archbishop Percă told SIR news agency. “We will talk about the law on education and the Olympics of Religion; the synodal process, which has now reached its final phase; and the introduction of the permanent diaconate, for which the Archdiocese of Alba Iulia is preparing a directorate. Other topics to be discussed include participation in WYD in Lisbon and the pastoral care of the family. Our Bishops’ Conference has recently hosted the meeting of the CCEE Commission on the Family in Bucharest. And preparations for the Great Jubilee of 2025 are also on the agenda”. At the end of the meeting on Saturday, the Bishops are invited to participate in a pilgrimage to the 20th-century Shrine dedicated to the Romanian Martyrs in Sighet.

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