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Croatia: Easter message from card. Bozanic (Zagreb). “Believing in Jesus Resurrected and in His presence”

(Foto Diocesi di Zagabria)

“Believing in Jesus Resurrected and in His presence amidst us means believing that His death defeated our death too, that He is alive and present in our daily life, and that for us He has become the path to eternal life”. This has been written by card. Josip Bozanic, archbishop of Zagreb, in his Easter message. The cardinal also said that “the force of Easter should not be regarded as something that will happen only at the end of time, because it is already changing the history of every Christian man and woman, of the Church and of the whole world. The new heaven and the new earth have already come to life, and the seed of Resurrection is bearing fruit”. Bozanic wishes for “an Easter approach that will not be only focussed on suffering” and pointed out that “Croatia’s spiritual legacy traditionally worships the Passion of the Christ, but piety and Christian action need to be nourished and developed by the force of Resurrection”. Card. Bozanic urges “particularly parents to protect their children from the spreading of several ideological contents that damage the sound development of young people, families and society”. “But how to connect the victory over evil with all that misery brought about by wars and other violence that drive millions of people into exile, causing the destruction of human lives and goods, the exploitation and inhuman treatment of the weaker ones? How many people are in the world that have no access to the essential goods that are necessary for living?”, the archbishop of Zagreb wonders. “By celebrating the Resurrection, we express an unsurpassable statement of faith in God that, in His Son on the cross, turned into hope in life for all men”.

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