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Council of Europe: report on safety of journalists. 127 journalists detained. Brutal crackdown in Russia

The Report on the safety of journalists, released by the Council of Europe today, addresses, among others, “the crackdown on independent journalism in Russia and in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine” while also providing a dedicated chapter on Belarus. “Apart from the journalists who died on active duty” during the war, the “Platform recorded one journalist killed in the exercise of his functions (Güngör Arslan in Türkiye), compared to four who died the previous year”. The warnings – that is, the alerts from the Council of Europe Platform for the Protection of Journalism – regarding “threats and attacks during street protests were fewer, as Covid-related demonstrations receded”. The report specifies that “arbitrary arrest and detention of journalists have become commonplace in Europe”. As of 31 December 2022, 127 journalists and media workers were reported in detention. During 2022, the Platform recorded 74 alerts on attacks on the physical integrity of journalists (26% of all alerts), 41 alerts on the detention and imprisonment of journalists (14%), 94 alerts on cases of harassment and intimidation of journalists (32%), and another 80 alerts on other acts having chilling effects on media freedom (28%).

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