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EU: 2 thousand patients transferred from Ukraine to European hospitals since the start of the war. Lenarcic, “we are saving lives”

“To ease the burden on Ukrainian hospitals, the EU has been coordinating regular medical evacuations of Ukrainian patients, be they chronically ill or injured by the war, for more than a year”. This is written in a release issued by the European Commission from Brussels. “As of today, more than 2,000 Ukrainian patients have been transferred to receive specialised care in hospitals across Europe via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism”. The patients have been transferred for treatment to hospitals in 20 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. “The evacuations are further supported by the EU Medevac Hub in Rzeszów where patients receive 24/7 nursing care.” The hub serves as a transfer centre for patients who have been transported from Ukraine to Poland by land, and who from the hub will be airlifted to hospitals across Europe. Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, states: “More than a year ago the EU started organising medical evacuations of Ukrainian patients to relieve the immense pressure on Ukraine’s healthcare system. I am grateful for the EU-wide solidarity in welcoming these vulnerable patients at a time in need. I want to especially thank Norway for its expertise and this excellent cooperation over the past year. Together, we are saving lives”.

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