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EU-Ukraine: financial assistance to pay wages and pensions and maintain essential public services such as schools and hospitals

The European Commission has paid a second instalment of €1.5 billion to Ukraine under the macro-financial assistance (MFA) ‘Plus’ package, worth €18 billion, the European Commission announced in a statement. This financial support will help Ukraine to keep on paying wages and pensions and maintain essential public services running, such as hospitals, schools, and housing for relocated people. Moreover, it will allow Ukraine to “ensure macroeconomic stability and restore critical infrastructure destroyed by Russia”, such as “energy infrastructure, water systems, transport networks, roads and bridges”. The Commission found that Ukraine has made “satisfactory progress” towards implementing the agreed policy conditions. “Today’s second payment to Ukraine of €1.5 billion shows the EU’s steadfast support for Ukraine. The country achieved important progress on transformative reforms, like on the rule of law. This will also facilitate the international reconstruction effort and support Ukraine on its European path”, said European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen. A first payment of €3 billion under this package was made in January this year. The Commission will continue to provide financial support to Ukraine to the tune of €1.5 billion per month throughout the rest of 2023.

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