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European Parliament: towards fifth edition of European Youth Event. Strasbourg welcoming participants from 118 countries

(Photo European Parliament)

Young people from 118 countries are expected to gather in Strasbourg for the 2023 edition of the EYE (European Youth Event), an initiative organised by the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 9-10 June. Aimed at young people aged between 16 and 30, the EYE wants to offer a space for them to “interact, inspire each other and exchange their views with experts, activists, influencers and decision-makers, right in the heart of European democracy”, the official website reads. The EYE, now in its fifth edition, will include both in-person and hybrid events with the draft programme featuring a wide range of activities co-created with partners, youth organisations, participants themselves, and other institutions and international organisations.

Between the official opening ceremony and the closing ceremony, young people will be able to attend thematic panels and workshops, share and develop ideas, and network with other participants through the “Ideas Hub”. With a view to the European elections 2024, part of the programme will focus on the role of democracy and youth engagement. There will also be spaces where young people will be able to learn more about EU career opportunities and international institutions, or gather and attend open-air concerts and artistic activities. The closing ceremony of EYE2023 will be a chance to present the ideas included in the Youth Ideas Report, which will be distributed to all Members of the European Parliament after the event.

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