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Yemen: €193 million in humanitarian aid from the EU. Health, food, water support to the population

The European Commission has today announced over €193 million in funding for the most vulnerable people in Yemen. “Yemen has been devastated by years of violence, displacement, economic and political crises”. The funding, announced by Commissioner Janez Lenarčič during the Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum, will provide the most vulnerable with life-saving assistance. €136 million of this amount will be provided to the EU’s humanitarian partners, such as the UN and NGOs, to “help meet emerging needs resulting from ongoing violence and sudden disasters”. The EU-funded activities include health, nutrition and food assistance, as well as water and sanitation to prevent malnutrition and the transmission of epidemics. €55 million in development aid is earmarked for food security and livelihoods support addressing both urgent food security needs, as well as longer-term development and self-reliance.
Commissioner Lenarčič said: “Yemen remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. 17 million people are food insecure. The European Union is committed to continue supporting Yemeni people as long as it is needed. I urge all parties to guarantee unrestricted humanitarian access. We also must not forget that only a political solution can put an end to this suffering”.

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