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EU Parliament: response to migration pressures and reform of asylum rules. The crux of physical barriers at external borders

La sede del Parlamento europeo a Bruxelles (foto SIR/Marco Calvarese)

“Preparations for the special meeting of the European Council of 9th and 10th February, in particular the need to develop sustainable solutions about asylum and migration”: this is the first item on the agenda of the plenary session of the European Parliament, convened in Brussels today (at 3.00 pm) and tomorrow. The debate will take place among MEPs and leaders of the EU Council and the EU Commission. During the special European Council in Brussels, the heads of state and government will mainly focus on improving the competitiveness of European economy and the migration policy. “Against the backdrop of the rising number of arrivals in the EU – a release states – along the migration routes and the pressure on the national asylum and reception systems, the MEPs will consider the recent proposals of the EU Commission and the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs. The main points for discussion will be: cooperation with third countries and maong the member states, how to expedite the repatriation of people who are not eligible for refugee status in the EU, the use of physical barriers at some external borders, the EU’s potential funding of such measures, search and rescue operations, and the role of Frontex”. In addition, the MEPs are expected to discuss the reform of common migration and asylum rules, “to ensure solidarity and a fair sharing of responsibilities among the EU member states in coping with the arrival of migrants and asylum seekers”.

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