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Rule of Law: EESC Report, obstacles to actions of civil society organisations in all EU countries

In no member state are civil society organisations immune to challenges: obstacles accessing loans, evolution of socioeconomic change in the media industry (resulting in greater instability for media professionals), matters related to the speed of justice or increased control. This is, in short, the snapshot provided in the new Report of the ad hoc group on “Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law” (FRRL) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)), presented on November 7th at the conference on the “current state of the Rule of Law and its impact on civic space”. Speaking at the conference, the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, admitted that “regulatory constraints and difficulties” of different kinds limit its action. “We must protect, support and empower civil society”, the Commissioner for Justice stated. EESC President Oliver Röpke called for the establishment of a civil society forum on fundamental rights and the Rule of Law to “create long-term momentum through permanent, structured dialogue with civil society organisations, trade unions, citizens and all other civil society stakeholders”. The Report is based on visits to Greece, Finland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden in 2022.

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