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Croatia: letter from Mgr. Skvorcevic (Pozega) for those affected by conflict in Holy Land. 12 November is Day of prayer and collection

“We cannot remain indifferent to the large numbers of people in Israel and Palestine who are suffering because of the war”. Thus begins the letter entitled “The poor cry out, and the Lord hears them” written by Mgr. Antun Skvorcevic, Bishop of Pozega, on the occasion of the World Day of the Poor for those affected by war in the Holy Land. The Bishop recalls “the victims of terrorist attacks but also those forced to flee their destroyed homes, the suffering of many children due to the bloody battles, those who have lost everything and lack the basic means to survive, the impossibility to treat all the wounded”. Mgr. Skvorcevic notes that “many people in the Holy Land hunger for bread but above all for justice, and the words of Jesus are for them: ‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled’”. According to the Bishop of Pozega, “the cry of those who suffer in the Holy Land is strong and requires us to respond with a heart sensitive to the Gospel”. Therefore, the prelate invites all the parishes of the Diocese to offer special prayers for peace in the Holy Land on Sunday, 12 November, “two days before the memorial of Croatian St Nicholas Tavelic, martyred in Jerusalem, that trust may be restored between the conflicting sides and the accumulated problems may be solved peacefully, so that innocent citizens may be spared even greater troubles”. Besides the prayer, Mgr. Skvorcevic also calls for a collection at the end of each mass to respond to the appeal of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pizzaballa. “Through him – the prelate informs -, we will provide help to the most in need in the Holy Land who currently do not differ in race, nation and religion, having all become victims”.

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