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Sweden: “Roots and Life”, a day to celebrate Jewish-Christian relationships. Events in six cities

“For a long time, the Church and Judaism lived in mutual tension, and the Church was guilty of cruel persecutions and bloody attacks against the Jews. Today, we look for ways of reconciliation and peaceful exchanges”: this is how it has been explained by the Christian Council of Sweden that, for the second year on end, calls the Christian communities of Sweden to attend the initiative “Roots and Life – A day to celebrate Jewish-Christian relationships”. It is a day of insights that will take place on November 19th in many places around the country, about the topic of “holy books”, a very relevant topic, as explained by the Council in a release, after all the Quran stakes and fires that have been reported in the last few months. The calendar, posted on the website of the Council, lists events in Karlstad and Lund, Trollhättan and Stockholm, Vasteras and Nacka: conferences, talks and even a concert by Semmy Stahlhammer, former first violin at the Royal Opera, his music telling the story of the dramatic fate experienced by his parents. “Christians are deeply rooted in the Jewish faith and tradition”, the website of the Catholic diocese of Sweden, that supports the initiative, says. “Their routes have gone in different directions, but, in the theology of the Church, in the worship, in the festivities and ceremonies, we are reminded of our Jewish heritage in different ways”.

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