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EU: towards a European Education Area. Commission and Parliament to assess progress in Brussels tomorrow.

The steps taken towards the creation of a European Education Area will be outlined during a high-level event in Brussels tomorrow jointly organised by the European Parliament and Commission (which will be partly web-streamed). Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Sabine Verheyen, Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education, will open the debate. Four topics are on the agenda: citizenship education; supporting teachers; boosting equity and inclusion in education and training; and automatic mutual recognition of qualifications and training. The event takes place against the backdrop of the Commission’s midterm communication on the European Education Area, published in November 2022. According to Ms Ivanova “the swift achievement of a true European Education Area, where everybody has access to high-quality education and training, is of utmost importance both for our society and Europe’s economic growth”. However, MEP Verheyen pointed out that there is still much work to do “to achieve the goal of removing barriers to learning and improving access to quality education for all and thus becoming a true European Education Union”. The goal is to achieve a common European space by 2025.

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