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EU Parliament: Schinas (EU Commission), “The Pact on Migration and Asylum is needed, we need it now”

Margaritis Schinas (Photo European Commission)

(Strasbourg) “The recent events have shown that we need the Pact on Migration and Asylum. And we need it now”. Margaritis Schinas, vice president of the EU Commission, gave a speech in the European Parliament in the morning about the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, on the agenda of the plenary session. The Greek Commissioner pointed out that COREPER (committee of the permanent representatives of the governments of the member states to the European Union) is meeting in Brussels today to untangle the last few issues within the EU Council. “I hope the States will understand the need to produce such agreement”, because in the EU “the greatest pull factor is the lack of a European migration and asylum system”. Schinas pointed out: “We have the biggest domestic market, a single currency, we have everything, except a single migration system”. Then, he highlighted: “In November, we will adopt a legal migration framework”, which he defined as “ambitious”. A partnership based “on talent, which will reconcile the vacant positions in our job market with the availability of workers” from other countries. Finally, the Commissioner mentioned a number of his trips and potential agreements with African countries, such as Tunisia, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Gambia, Mauritania.


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