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Middle East: Von der Leyen (EU Commission), “against Israel pure evil” from Hamas. “But there is no excuse for hitting a hospital”

(Photo European Parliament)

(Strasbourg) “Hamas’ terror has plunged us into a new spiral of violence”: the condemnation that Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, expresses against the terrorist organisation is firm and clear. In the headquarters of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, she tells about the “pure evils” she saw herself a few days ago, when she visited the areas of Israel that were hit by Hamas’ attack, and she expresses again, also on the EU’s behalf, her condolences to the relatives of the over one thousand victims as well as her sympathy with the Israeli population and government. “There is no excuse for hitting a hospital – she says shortly afterwards – Civilians must be protected from the fury of this war”. Von der Leyen turns it over to the EU, looking for a position of balance and mediation, not least because, as she confirms, Hamas does not represent Palestinians. Then, she expresses her sympathy with France, Sweden and Belgium, the European countries that have suffered the consequences of what is happening in the Holy Land, with terrorism making a comeback on continental soul. Then, she states: “And there is no contradiction in standing in solidarity with Israel and acting on the humanitarian needs of Palestinians”, twice the victims of Hamas’ fury and Israel’s retaliations. “We must act according to international humanitarian law”, protect civilians, bring supplies to the population caught between two fires. “And Europe will always be on the side of humanity and of human rights”. Then, she explains the measures taken to bring humanitarian supplies – tripled – to Gaza, partly through an air bridge flying to Egypt; she denies that the financial support granted to Palestine so far may have funded Hamas (as they have been accused of doing by the right wings and by the nationalist members of the European Parliament); she repeats again that “the obscurantism and antisemitism that are spreading in Europe must be fought. We have to protect Jewish life in Europe”.

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