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EU: investing 100 million euros in teachers’ training in Africa. “Supporting quality education”

The European Union has launched a 100million euros’ Regional Initiative for teachers, “to support quality education in Africa”. The initiative tries to “respond to the need for 15 million new qualified teachers by 2030”. It was announced by the EU Commission in a notice. Such Initiative, promoted by the Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, is part of the EU-Africa Global Gateway investment project and “aims to accelerate teachers’ training in sub-Saharan Africa”. It will support “national reforms of education and teachers, and will provide opportunities for cross-country collaboration, partnerships and learning in the region and with Europe”. The goal is to increase the number of qualified teachers, while making sure that “teaching will offer interesting job opportunities to young talented professionals and will be a life-long learning experience”. The goal of the initiative is to train teachers in digital and green skills and provide education in crisis contexts.

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