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EU Commission: 25.5 million to African countries to address “unprecedented food crises, conflict and displacement”

The European Commission is allocating an additional €25.5 million to several African countries dealing with “the repercussions of an unprecedented food crisis, but also with the results of conflict and displacement”. The funding comes on top of the humanitarian financial support already allocated last year, the EU Commission said in a statement. The additional funding will be used to reinforce “social protection schemes and key sectors such as food assistance; nutrition; and water, sanitation and hygiene”. In conflict areas, “funding will also be allocated to support newly-displaced populations and host communities”. The funds will be allocated as follows: €2 million to Algeria; €2 million to Cameroon; €4 million to the Central African Republic; €2 million to Chad; €10 million to Sudan; and €5.5 million to Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean. “In several African countries, millions are facing food insecurity and are on the brink of famine. In other parts of the continent, the effects of the food crisis are aggravated by a deteriorating security situation and increased violence leading to internal displacements and loss of livelihoods – for example, in Sudan. Extreme weather events are leading to new displacements, for example in Cameroon”, said EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič.

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