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David Sassoli: mgr. Crociata (Comece), “he leaves a deep mark on Europe”. Ceremony in Brussels’ Parliament today, and Mass at Sablon

David Sassoli (Photo SIR/European Parliament)

(Brussels) “President Sassoli is a figure that is bound to leave a deep mark on and an indelible trace in Europe, as well as in the memory of the European citizens and the public institutions which he was a staunch and passionate member of, as he promoted the ideals of the European project”. This was said by mgr. Mariano Crociata, bishop of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno and First Vice-President of Comece, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union, on the anniversary of the death of David Sassoli (January 11th 2022), who was president of the European Parliament from July 2019 to his untimely demise. Tonight, mgr. Crociata will officiate Mass in the Church of Notre Dame des Victoires au Sablon (at 7.00 pm), “to recall the importance of Sassoli’s efforts for the common good in Europe”. Mass will be jointly officiated by father Claudio Visconti, in charge of the Italian Catholic community in Brussels, and by father Manuel Barrios Prieto, secretary general of Comece. The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, supported the initiative by calling everyone to attend the religious service, which will be open to the public. Also today at 12.00 pm a memorial ceremony will be held at the European Parliament to commemorate David Sassoli.

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