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EU: contract for pandemic influenza vaccine signed. Kyriakides (Commission), “to protect our citizens should such an emergency arise in the future”.

The European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) has signed a framework contract for the joint procurement of Adjupanrix, a pandemic influenza vaccine, with the pharmaceutical company GSK. This was announced by the European Commission that also informed that joint procurement countries participating in the agreement will be able to purchase up to 85 million vaccine doses in the event of an influenza pandemic. According to Commissioner for Health, Stella Kyriakides, the pandemic has shown “beyond any doubt” that “preparedness is key in a health emergency”. Securing these influenza pandemic vaccine doses will “protect our citizens should such an emergency arise in the future. This is a true European Health Union in action”. An influenza pandemic is “a global epidemic caused by a new influenza strain to which there is little to no pre-existing immunity in the human population”, a statement from the Commission reads. “While it is difficult to predict an influenza pandemic, it is important to be prepared”. According to HERA, there are 3 main health threats that require coordinated measures at EU level: pathogens with high pandemic potential; chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats; and threats resulting from antimicrobial resistance.

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