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G7: new aids to Ukraine. “Ready to support the country’s reconstruction”. Russian aggression condemned again

Il presidente ucraino Zelensky è intervenuto da remoto al G7 svoltosi in Germania (Foto ANSA/SIR)

“At a time when the world is threatened by divisions and shocks, we, the G7, stand united. We underscore our resolve to, together with partners, jointly defend universal human rights and democratic values, the rules-based multilateral order, and the resilience of our democratic societies. In doing so, we will address the key challenges of our time”. This is written in the final document of the G7 that took place in the castle at Elmau, in Germany, from 26th to 28th June. The leaders of the EU and Argentina, India, Indonesia, Senegal and South Africa, as well as Ukraine, joined the leaders of USA, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan and Canada. The war, Russia, economy and energy, the response to the pandemic were the key items discussed at the table of the powerful, with Putin’s impending shadow and China’s distance.
“We reemphasise our condemnation of Russia’s illegal and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine. We will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes, providing the needed financial, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support in its courageous defence of its sovereignty and territorial integrity”.
The financial support provided to Kiev in 2022 amounts to over 2.8 billion dollars in humanitarian aids “and we are ready to grant 29.5 billion dollars in aids”. “In addition, we are strongly committed to supporting Ukrainian reconstruction through an international conference and plan, drawn up and implemented by Ukraine in close coordination with international partners”.

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