Romania: priestly ordinations in Iasi, Bucharest and Alba Iulia. 14 new priests for the Christian community

Fourteen deacons will receive priestly ordination in the next few days in Romania, namely in Iasi, Bucharest and Alba Iulia. Indeed, on Thursday, 23 June, after the spiritual exercises and the profession of faith, six deacons will be ordained priests in the Our Lady Queen of Iași Cathedral by the Bishop of Iași, Iosif Păuleț. The soon-to-be priests have all studied theology at the Saint Joseph’s Seminary of Iasi and were ordained deacons last December. Another deacon, destined to serve in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bucharest, will be ordained a priest in Saint Joseph’s Cathedral, Bucharest, on Saturday, 25 June, by Mgr. Aurel Percă, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucharest and President of the Romanian Bishops’ Conference. Seven other deacons, who have studied theology at the “Incarnatæ Sapientiæ” Seminary in the Archdiocese of Alba Iulia, will receive priestly ordination in Alba Iulia next Wednesday, on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. The ordination rite in St. Michael’s Cathedral will be presided over by the Archbishop of Alba Iulia, Mgr. Kovács Gergely. They will be joined by two new priests who were ordained last Saturday, 18 June, in the Cathedral of Oradea, by the Bishop of Oradea, Mgr. László Böcskei. There are two theological seminaries in Romania that prepare future priests for the Roman Catholic dioceses: one in Iași, for the dioceses of Iași and Bucharest, and one in Alba Iulia, for the dioceses of Alba Iulia, Oradea, Timișoara and Satu Mare.

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