Contenuto disponibile in Italiano

Eurostat: unemployment disproportionately affecting women. Care and family tasks are an impediment, particularly in Italy

The proportion of women aged 25 to 54 who were neither working nor seeking employment in the EU last year was 18.5%, compared to 8.2% for men. This is according to the EU Statistical Office Eurostat, that released data today insisting on the motivational element: unemployed women (although it might be better to talk about women doing unpaid work) who were not looking for a job “due to care responsibilities” were 5.7% while 2.9% were not seeking employment for “other family reasons”. Among men not looking for work, only 0.5% said it was because of care responsibilities or family reasons. At the national level, the figure for Romania spiked to 17.8%, followed by Italy (16.3%), Malta (15%), the Czech Republic (13.8%), and Ireland (11%). Women looking for a job, by contrast, are less hindered by such responsibilities in Denmark (0.9%), Sweden (1.5%), and Slovenia (3.2%). The corresponding share for men remains below 1% in all countries, except in Ireland, where it reaches 1.1%.

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