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Refugees: EU Commission, “we stand with all those forced to leave their homes worldwide”.

“We stand with all those forced to leave their homes worldwide”. This is according to a statement released by the European Commission just days ahead of World Refugee Day (20 June) which looks at the refugee crisis caused by Russia’s war on Ukraine. No one could have imagined that “14 million people would be forced by Russia’s aggression to leave their homes in a single country on the European Union’s doorstep”. Nothing like this has happened since the end of World War II. The statement also recalls the over “100 million people” who “are forcibly displaced around the world”, from Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Myanmar to Venezuela or Burkina Faso. “Working hand-in-hand with the United Nations and the international community”, the statement goes on to say, the “EU remains a leading humanitarian and development donor helping affected populations”. Also, “over 80% of the world’s refugees are hosted in developing countries”. The EU “remains committed to supporting those forced to leave their homes worldwide” and to “continue working towards political solutions to end the reasons forcing people to flee”.

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