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Malta: Archdiocese responds to corruption allegations. “Those with information should report to the authorities rather than resorting to gratuitous slurs and baseless statements”

The Archdiocese of Malta responded with a firm statement to the allegations made by former minister and media commentator Michael Falzon in the MaltaToday newspaper on 14 June according to which there would be “stories of maladministration and corruption in the Maltese Curia’s administrative structures” and that the Archbishop “knows about these cases”. The statement explains that “under Archbishop Charles Scicluna’s stewardship, administrative and governance structures within the Archdiocese have been strengthened through a range of measures aimed at bolstering transparency and accountability”. Indeed, new rules, offices and officers were created to boost internal audit, fight money laundering, report irregularities, and reduce the likelihood of error or fraud. The statement also informs that aside from these measures, “which place the Archbishop’s Curia on a par with the most highly respected public entities”, Archbishop Scicluna has also collaborated with “colleagues at a Vatican level to strengthen measures and structures aimed at improving the broader Church’s response to clerical abuse cases”. Mr Falzon, as well as anyone who believes they may have information regarding alleged corruption, are therefore urged to “file reports with the appropriate authorities rather than resorting to gratuitous slurs and baseless statements”. The statement concludes: “The Archdiocese categorically denies the suggestion that the Archbishop possesses any knowledge of such cases”.

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