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Germany: celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Federation of Young German Catholics with 660 thousand members

For the first time since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Federation of Young German Catholics (BDKJ) is physically holding a General Assembly again: it will take place in the Youth Education Centre Haus Altenberg, in Odenthal, from 5th to 8th May, with over 100 delegates from the 17 Catholic youth associations that are members of the Federation, on behalf of the over 660 thousand members. The General Assembly of the BDKJ – as the promoters explain – takes key decisions to support the interests of children and young people in the Church, in politics and in society. This year, the items on the agenda include proposals for a new basic pastoral programme, addressing the problem of sex abuse, job offers in Catholic associations as well as the effective climate-neutral measures that are being taken in the dioceses and in different German movements and associations. This year, the General Assembly will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Federation. The official celebrations will be held at a ceremony on 7th May with an interactive evening party that will bring old people, alumni and current members of the BDKJ together, “so they can share their memories and stories and relive the social processes and the key initiatives that have turned the Federation into a landmark of German society”.

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