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EU-Palestine: 25 million euros in humanitarian aids to health, food and schooling. The situation worsened by the Russian attack

Twenty-five million euros in humanitarian aids “to meet the primary needs of vulnerable Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza”. This was announced earlier today by the EU Commission, which points out: “Over 2 million Palestinian women, children and men in the Occupied Territories and in the Gaza Strip need humanitarian assistance. 256 Palestinians, including 11 children who were taking part in an EU-funded trauma recovery scheme, lost their lives in under two weeks last year”. “The weak economic situation and the unprecedented financial crisis in the West Bank and Gaza have led to high unemployment rates, limited trade and limited access to resources. The situation – they explain from Brussels – is further worsened by the impact of the Russian attack on Ukraine, which caused food and fuel prices to rise. In Palestine, about 1.79 million people suffer from food insecurity”. The Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, stated: “The EU keeps supporting the Palestinian population. The just-announced humanitarian funds will help Palestinian families have access to basic services and material assistance, which is even more urgent now, with the rise in food prices and the lack of food as a global consequence of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. In addition, we insist on full compliance with international humanitarian law and condemn the endless displacement of civilians and the demolition of their homes, schools and basic infrastructure. All this must end”. The funds announced today will also be allocated to improve young Palestinians’ access to education.

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