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Catechesis: Ccee, 20 delegates from the European Bishops’ Conferences met in Malta. “The beauty of the Church in its diversity”

20 delegates for catechesis from the European Bishops’ Conferences met in Malta for the first time since the pandemic. Over three days, as explained by a notice on the website of the Maltese archdiocese, they discussed “the ministry of catechist and its important role in today’s world to bring the Gospel”. The event was organised by the section for Catechesis of the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (Ccee) in partnership with the Maltese Episcopal Conference. “The beauty of the Catholic Church in its diversity in Europe and the different ways the Word is effectively communicated in these countries did come to the fore”. The reflections focussed on Pope Francis’s motu proprio “Antiquum Ministerium”. Delegates included a Ukrainian nun “who told how the Christian faith is helping people at this difficult time of their life”. An exchange of views about “good practices” regardless of ecclesial and cultural differences was quite useful too. Speaking about “the catechist in the light of synodality”, mgr. Anton Teuma, Bishop of Gozo, described how “catechesis is not just intellectual exercise but an overall training that people receive as part of the Christian community”, a path “built together with moments of liturgical life and charity work”. A delegate from the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation, along with delegates from Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary and Sweden, took part in the meeting too.

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