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Romania: card. Muresan, “our brothers and sisters from Ukraine are not alone in their pain. Together, we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus”

“Lots of Ukrainian refuges are amidst us, and with them we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. They are part of our family, and we welcome them as our brothers”: this was stated by Romanian cardinal Lucian Mureșan in his Easter message, pointing out that many of them will be celebrating Easter with Christians of the Byzantine rite on April 24th. The Major Archbishop of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church speaks of every Christian’s mission, which is joyfully announcing the Resurrection of Christ, and ensures: “Our brothers and sisters from Ukraine are not alone in their pain! The Lord Jesus Christ is with them, He takes their pains on Himself, He identifies with them and makes them stronger in these times of harsh, unfair trials. On their side is also the Romanian Church joined with Rome, which knows the pain, forcibly imposed in the name of ideologies that go against human dignity”. In addition, the cardinal states that the horrors and sufferings caused by the war in Ukraine “shake us and address our consciences”. The cardinal thanks all those who “recognised Jesus Resurrected in the faces of the refugees who have come to Romania these days, by welcoming them in their homes and helping them generously”. “With them, we break the bread of pain – card. Mureșan adds –, with them our heart burns, as it did to the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Let’s support them with our prayers, in the belief that the Lord will not let them alone and the Blessed Virgin does not forget her children”.

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