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Romania: mgr. Pál (Timisoara), “Jesus Resurrected calls us, in these difficult situations of war, to live for the civilisation of love”

“When everything is fine in our life, maybe we do not realise how great the gift of faith is, what grace we have of believing not in just anything but in Christ Resurrected, who stays with us in all circumstances, even in these terrible times of war”, mgr. Iosif Pál, bishop of Timișoara and director of Pastoral Care of the Family at the Rumanian Bishops’ Conference, writes in his Easter message. In addition, the bishop tells that he was upset by the stories told by the employees of Caritas Ukraine in Mukačevo that he met in Satu Mare, who asked for prayers, and some refugee nuns from Kiev. “The Good God is on the side of love – the bishop explains. – Do not let our hearts be filled with hatred, because they will be full of fear. Mind that you do not hold violent feelings and attitudes even in your households, while driving or in the workplace”. In addition, mgr. Pál reminds the devotees that “Jesus Resurrected calls us, in these difficult situations of war, to live for the civilisation of love”. And he adds: “Lots of our refugee brothers who are in need experience the presence of God within us, in the way they are lovingly welcomed and assisted. This is our side now. When we say ‘Christ has risen!’, may such words also drive us to act according to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ”. Therefore, mgr. Pál calls Christians to build “a society of forgiveness, of reconciliation”: “We are on the side of love, on God’s side. Because love has risen, Jesus Christ is alive”.

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