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Consecration of Ukraine and Russia to Immaculate Heart of Mary: Mr Bassi (FAFCE), family networks ready to offer hospitality

“We thank all those who have already responded to the Pope’s call with their generosity and their prayers. Today we entrust ourselves once again to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, uniting ourselves to the Solemn Act of Consecration of Humanity, and particularly of Russia and Ukraine, which the Holy Father will preside over today”, Vincenzo Bassi, President of the Brussels-based Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE), said today. “All FAFCE member associations are united in this historic moment of prayer”. Mr Bassi also reported that national associations take “very seriously” this invitation to prayer, as well as “their responsibility – as families and networks of families – to be the first welcoming institutions”. Indeed, FAFCE is “united to our pastors in this solemn act”. A few weeks ago, FAFCE started a fundraising campaign among its members to support solidarity projects helping Ukrainian families in need “as concretely as possible”.

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