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European Council: Brussels looking forward to Biden’s arrival. Tomorrow, a summit with the 27 members about Ukraine, defence, energy

(Photo SIR/European Council)

There are great expectations in Brussels about the meeting of the leaders of the 27 EU member states with US president Joe Biden, who, tomorrow, March 24th, will stop in the Belgian capital to attend the European Council, then will leave again for Poland. Over two days, the European Council will discuss Russia’s military attack on Ukraine, security and defence, energy, economic issues, Covid-19 and international relations. The president of the United States, Joe Biden, will join the EU leaders on the first day of the European Council “for a discussion – the EU Council explains – of support to Ukraine and its population, and the strengthening of transatlantic cooperation in response to the Russian attack”. Then, the European Council will review what has happened on the field lately, including the humanitarian situation and refugees. “The EU is keeping its promises with Ukraine and its population, and is striving to provide, in a coordinated way, political, financial, material and humanitarian support as well as support in the reconstruction of a democratic Ukraine”, the European Council points out. The summit of the 27 member states will discuss how to enable the European Union “to act faster and more determinedly to face the crisis, while retaining its interests and protecting its citizens”. The European Council “is expected to endorse the Strategic Compass, an initiative meant to strengthen the European Union’s security and defence policies in terms of crisis management, defence capabilities, resilience and partnerships”.

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