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Safer Internet Day: EU Commission, “rights of every child must be respected and protected also in the digital environment”

“Together for a Better Internet” is the theme for Safer Internet Day that will be celebrated worldwide tomorrow, 8 February. An EU-funded network of Safer Internet Centres will organise events in all Member States to raise awareness of the importance of creating a safer online world, especially for children and young people, the European Commission announced in a statement. “Digital technologies allow children to be part of global movements and play the role of active citizens. Therefore, the rights of every child must be respected, protected and fulfilled also in the digital environment”, said European Commission Vice-President Dubravka Suica. To update the 2012 European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children, the European Commission will propose a new plan this spring to support digital skills, ensure age-appropriate experiences, and boost child participation. The strategy aims to step up actions against fake news, exposure to harmful content and cyberbullying. The “Better Internet for Kids” pan-European platform provides children, their parents and educators with information on safer internet. “Just as we equip our children with basic skills before allowing them to ride their bike in traffic safely, we are collectively equipping them with the skills needed to navigate the online world safely”, said EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton.

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