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United Kingdom: a joint Christmas message from the Catholic and Anglican Bishops. “Placing the Prince of Peace at the centre”

Together for the first time for Christmas, as evidence of the excellent health that the ecumenical relations between the two Churches enjoy. The Catholic Archbishop of Cardiff and Bishop of Menevia, Mark O’ Toole, and its Anglican counterpart, Andrew John, have published a joint Christmas message in which they call all Christians to go back to Church this Christmas. The two Archbishops, both appointed just a few months ago, explain to the devotees that, as in the history of the Christmas carol “Stille Nacht”, there are lots of problems in the journey of Mary, Jesus and Joseph to Bethlehem as well. Yet, one night started in fear and pain ends in the happiness of a new-born. “So, this last year, we have met lots of challenges. There are conflicts in many parts of the world and the cost-of-living crisis is pushing many people who struggle making ends meet into poverty. We are still fighting COVID and we have lost Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth”, the two Archbishops write. “Yet, there have been many flickers of light in the darkness, such as the kindness of a neighbour going shopping for us, schools and churches and other organisations welcoming refugees with open arms, and the devotion showed by our country for the Queen”. “The true message of Christmas can sometimes be forgotten with cooking and wrapping presents”, the two Archbishops end. “Why not come to Church this Christmas to place the Prince of Peace at the centre of our celebrations once more?”.

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