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Germany: “I am Church”, an inquiry about the liveliness of the country’s Catholic community

The website of the German Catholic Church,,  has started an investigative report to get a far-ranging insight into the German Catholics’ stories and involvement: it is called “#ich bin kirche – I am Church”. Many video stories to make sense to the German Catholics’ ecclesiastical life, despite the crisis that the German Church is going through, amidst increasing abjurations, the difficulties of decreasing calls, the lay people’s demands, the abuse scandals. What is found is a lively, proactive, inclusive, ecumenical and deeply welcoming Church. The editorial that presented #ich bin kirche read: “things do not seem to be going too well for the Catholic Church: despite its many efforts, the investigation into the abuse scandal is far from over. The lack of equal rights for women and sexual minorities, the rigid hierarchy and the great imbalance of power between priests and lay people leave many Catholics no room for faith and life. In other words: many people have lost trust in the Church. Nearly 360 thousand abjurations in the last year say it all”. But it is from this alarming picture that the German Catholics’ strength takes inspiration: “despite all the justified criticism, the Church is more than this: there are also the over 20 million Catholics in Germany who are still there. They shape the Church on the place, very close to the people, with lots of ideas, energy and with often unshakeable confidence. would like to show these people who are committed to faith and to other people. The believers who despite all the problems make the Church in Germany a lively place, where life and faith matter”.

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