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EU Parliament: Russia is “sponsor of terrorism and uses terrorist means”

(Strasbourg) “The deliberate attacks and atrocities carried out by the Russian Federation against the civilian population of Ukraine, the destruction of civilian infrastructure and other serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law amount to acts of terror against the Ukrainian population and constitute war crimes”. This is written in a resolution that has been passed today by the European Parliament convened in Strasbourg. The EU Assembly “expresses indignation for and unconditional condemnation of such attacks and atrocities, as well as of the other deeds committed by Russia in the pursuit of its destructive political goals in Ukraine and in the territories of other countries; in the light of the above, it recognises Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state which uses means of terrorism”. Such non-legislative act has been passed with 494 votes for, 58 votes against and 44 abstentions. The MEPs also called the EU Council to add the paramilitary organisation “Wagner Group”, the 141st Special Motorised Regiment also known as “Kadyroviti” and other armed groups, militias and delegations funded by Russia to the EU terrorist list. The EU Parliament also asked the EU to further isolate Russia internationally, “not least as regard its accession to international organisations and agencies, such as the United Nations Security Council”.

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