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Migration: Commission proposes EU Action Plan on Central Mediterranean. Three “pillars” and operational measures

Bruxelles: press point della commissaria Ylva Johansson (Foto SIR/European Commission)

Ahead of the Extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council of 25 November 2022, the Commission is presenting today an EU Action Plan on the Central Mediterranean. “Whilst emphasising that structural solutions will only be found through agreement on the full set of asylum and migration reforms currently being negotiated”, the Commission is proposing “a series of operational measures to address the immediate and ongoing challenges along the Central Mediterranean migratory route”. The Action Plan proposes “a series of 20 measures articulated around three pillars that will be taken forward by the EU and its Member States”. They are designed to “reduce irregular and unsafe migration, provide solutions to the emerging challenges in the area of search and rescue and reinforce solidarity balanced against responsibility between Member States”. The first pillar is “working with partner countries and international organisations”. “The EU will strengthen the capacities of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya to ensure better border management and management of migration. It will reinforce the fight against migrant smuggling and enhance diplomatic engagement on returns, while stepping up legal pathways to the EU”. To coordinate these actions, a dedicated Team Europe initiative on the Central Mediterranean will be launched by the end of this year.

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