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UK: Multi-Faith Declaration for COP26. “Faith communities united in caring for human life and natural world”

“Our faith communities are united in caring for human life and the natural world”. Thus begins the Glasgow Multi-Faith Declaration for COP26, signed by all UK religious leaders, including the Catholic Bishop of Salford, John Arnold, responsible for the environment for the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales; the Catholic Bishop of Argyll, Brian McGee, president of the Catholic Committee for Interreligious Dialogue of the Scottish Bishops’ Conference; and the Anglican Bishop of Norwich and Church of England’s Lead Bishop for the Environment, Graham Usher. Other signatories to the Declaration include the President of the Methodist Church, Sonia Hicks; the General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, Lynn Green; the Archbishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church of London Angaelos; and the representatives of the Jewish, Muslim, Baha’is, Sikh, Buddhist and Jain communities. “We remind governments of their commitments made in Paris in 2015 to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees”, religious leaders said. “We call upon them to take the urgent action needed to avert the loss, damage, and forced migration threatened by climate change. Across our doctrinal and political differences, we know that we must change our ways to ensure a quality of life which all can share, and we need to provide hope for people of all ages, everywhere, including future generations”.

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