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G20: research and education ministers adopt declaration for an education geared towards a sustainable economy

The research and education ministers attending the first G20 meeting devoted to research and education have today adopted the “Declaration of G20 Ministers on Leveraging Research, Higher Education and Digitalisation for a Strong, Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Recovery”. The Declaration is structured around three pillars: addressing the changing nature of skills; ethical principles and values in research and higher education; towards a common understanding of digital spaces. EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, who attended the meeting remotely, said: “This process will better exploit the full potential of digitalisation in higher education and research. We want to develop a digitally qualified workforce and an ecosystem of digital research infrastructures, based on open scientific principles and on shared ethical values”. The Declaration is in line with the EU’s work to achieve the European Education Area and the European Research Area, to “implement the new action plan for digital education and to exploit the research and innovation potential of higher education institutions in Europe”.

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