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UK: “DIY” abortion. UK bishops against at-home abortion pill. Risks and abuse

“We continue to oppose any proposed change to make permanent legislation which has proven to be dangerous and fatal for pregnant women, and which has resulted in the tragic and needless loss of thousands of unborn lives”. In a statement signed by Bishop John Sherrington, in charge of life issues, the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales asks some five million Catholic faithful to call and write to their MPs urging them to oppose any attempt by government to legalise home abortion, the so-called “DIY” abortion, which was introduced as an extraordinary measure during the pandemic. “The letter addressed by 600 medical professionals to the UK government and the motion tabled by Carla Lockhart both illustrate that at-home abortion pills have been used beyond the 24-week legal limit for termination and that women have had complications like bleeding which they had to face alone”, the bishops wrote. The British government, which has concluded a consultation process on the issue last February, is expected to make a decision soon. For pro-life associations, however, it is inevitable that abortion pills sent by mail will continue to be used even if the British police have opened investigations into the death of a baby who survived abortion and into the death of two women from complications.

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